Be active not sad

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Be active not sad

2020-10-27Aušra Gedrimaitė

“Me? Hiking? Never heard of that…”

That would be my answer at least a month ago to whoever would speak about me hiking or actively spending my time outside. 

Things tend to change sometimes. Apparently, this is one of those ‘sometimes’.

Form the very beginning of my stay in Česka Lipa I was fascinated by the hills surrounding me. Their peaks took my breath every morning on my way to school or when coming back while the trees have been calling me through the whispers of the wind from far away. Bohemian part of the Czech Republic is truly blessed with gorgeous nature as I have been told. And it is a delight to live there during these times of pandemic as through all the restrictions people are still encouraged to spent time in nature, breathing fresh air, gaining strength. This saves us, volunteers, from sitting all the time in our little flat and socializing only through online activities. 

I believe all have started with our first trip at the start of October when Alma and I went on a bike trip to Panská skála (or a Mansion Rock). 

Then at around the beginning of quarantine, our dear colleague took us (me and Alma) on our first hike trip to Ralsko hill. Trees were holding the sky on our way up and with a magical view around us, I would not be surprised with dinosaurs coming out of the bushes to accompany us reaching the top. The trip was indeed a challenge that we overcame and in the end celebrated with ice cream in Zmrzlinárna Ralsko, Mimoň. 

Another trip was organised by a colleague of our colleagues from the organisation while visiting his daughter for English practice. What started with chats and discover of Czech cuisine making bramboráky ended up with a lovely visit to Jelení Skok (Jump of a deer), Havraní skály (Raven Rock) and Lesní hřbitov (Forest Cemetery) around Nový Bor. It was magical and this time I expected some Spirits of the Forest or some Faries to come out. It was an adventure as we were wandering through what seemed to be a swamp. It was pure joy and Alma and I simply could not stop saying WHOOOOA to literally everything around us. Especially spotting mushrooms and learning Muchomůrka červená and laughing out of that as it sounds as mur mur from a cat. 

One more trip was to the hill of Klič. This time we went with a little bit of company but successfully following the rules. It was more than amazing to meet long no seen colleagues and to finally see the little puppy - a new member of our lovely project family. The top of the hill was gorgeous even if very fast was covered all with clouds not letting us see far around. I believe it will not be a big of a loss but more like an idea to come back next time for the sunrise or sunset. Anyway, as always, climbing up was easy compared to going down, yet the view all the way up and down was stunning while the journey was full of laughing and jokes and lovely moments of few little families coming together even if with a little bit of distance in between. And no one was left behind and not taken care as our little puppy was running from front to back always checking what seems if everyone is going the right way, if everything is alright, if all of the people have pet it already or called or plaid with it enough for its need of attention. 

The next day was no less entertainment as we went straight to Hell, literally, as it is called Peklo. Unlike I thought it being completely dark and full of burning fires and lava it was fresh, moisty, full of greens and huge walls of rocks and at the beginning of the way covered with light dusk or fog. This trip was the least challenging as no climbing to hills yet no less than wonderful for our eyes to wander while chatting with each other.

I must admit I was not prepared for this kind of things for this project. Even when packing my bags I was always keeping in mind the only fact that I will be in school as a teachers assistant, so also the stuff I took, closes were not the best suited for hiking. With every time going down I am fully concentrated on every step of mine as my shoes are always slipping or most of the time concerned to catch a moment when I will start feeling moist in my shoes. This was funny though as I am most of the time already fighting with the voice in my head shouting “jump to the puddle” whenever I see one. Or it was kind of crazy when we all were going through swamps and I by accident was with white shoes which were not white at all at the end of the trip. 

I am learning from all of these experiences. And I am learning more than I could ever have expected both mentally and physically. Every time it feels like setting new goals, embracing existence and nature around, people and connection with everything and everyone. 

And I would not be happier going on this adventure with anyone else but Alma, my dear supporter, motivator and companion.

It is crazy how little we need sometimes to be happy. Sometimes it is enough to see nice mushroom, a beautiful ray of sunshine through the trees or to hear laughter from the people around You even in these quite of a bit difficult times for all of us. Every trip I felt like there would be no problems, no stress, no nothing negative at all. Just us and connection with nature and each other, laughing and enjoying us being alive here and now.


To be continued….


With hugs and best wishes, 


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