AIM never sleeps. Another summer project 13.-17.8. 2022

HomeNewsAIM never sleeps. Another summer project 13.-17.8. 2022

AIM never sleeps. Another summer project 13.-17.8. 2022

2022-04-20Petr Bandas

AIM at Culture, Languages, Body and Mind

The main objective promoting European diversity, intercultural and linguistic experience along with enhancing sense of initiative and social inclusion. As a linking activity to promote cooperation and team spirit an outdoor activities to make participants come out of their comfort zone will be used with its values and approach based on respect for others as well as oneself. The project will involve actively the participants from the very beginning in designing and preparing the session they will be responsible for. Further, we want to carry out this project to equipping Youth workers with competences and methods for their professional development, particularly in involving disadvantaged participants in international mobility as well as enhance their greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity and increasing their ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged. In this project we will involve two leaders from each country of which one will be a newcomer, experiencing international project for the first time. We also want to carry out this project to promote multiculturality and tolerance towards diversity and social inclusion among local communities (ours and partners ´) and increase understanding of today´s EU values along with promoting Erasmus + and benefits of international mobility as a way to improve one´s competences and skills, personal growth, self confidence all leading to better targeting the career path options and motivating to further study and engage in international projects.


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