Everything comes to an end

HomeNewsEverything comes to an end

Everything comes to an end

2022-07-10Petr Bandas
Every moment in life has a beginning and an end.
Seven days can sometimes seem endless, other times they will fly by like water. We met for the first time on Saturday, July 2, and now everything is in the past. But the memories will remain, permanently.
Fifty-six human faces, human stories, souls...hearts...met for seven days, here in Liberec, to not only get to know each other, but above all to learn. Not like in school desks, but informally, from life, directly from the center of its events. Lithuanians, Latvians, Italians, Romanians, Poles, Ukrainians and Czechs spent a week together full of workshops, theater performances, getting to know the lakes and the city of Liberec. And all this not only thanks to our organization and its enthusiastic volunteers, but also thanks to the financial support of the Erasmus+ program.
We will miss you, yes, but at the same time we know that every end is also the beginning of something else.

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