Ing. Michal Svatoň

In life, you often come to a crossroad and tell you which direction to go. Family, friends, colleagues at work is the most common group of interacting beings.
How about trying to pass on some of the lessons learned to young people - the next generation.
That's a pretty strong challenge, I think.
I'm on it. What do you join too :-)
Mgr. Gabriela Medwell
For more than a quarter of a century my work is fulfillment of my mission. I adhere to values of respect, esteem, equality and mutual love and support. The life is not easy but along with the first Czech president of the free country Vaclav Havel I belive, that hope isn´t faith all will end up well but certainity that all makes sense regarless how it ends. And I do live such certainity!
Mgr. Lucie Novotná

"Not all who wonder are lost"
Petr Bandas

My favorite Indian motto:
"Tell me about it and I'll forget it. Show it to me and maybe I'll remember it. Engage me in and I'll understand."